Do you know anyone who does not own a smartphone? How about a tablet? Chances are high that you are reading this Blog post on your phone or tablet, too. It is a reality in today’s technological world that nearly everyone considers their smartphone an indispensable tool for everyday life. Browsing the web is no exception! In fact, in January of 2014, (which is ages ago in technology terms) mobile web use officially surpassed desktop use for browsing websites. And that was 5 years ago! How much do you think that gap has grown to date?

Despite all of these statistics, and real life use cases, it is shocking to know that some businesses still haven’t made the switch to a responsive, mobile-friendly website.

So what exactly is a ‘responsive’ website?

Responsive websites automatically resize your site to fit screens of any size, no matter what device it’s being viewed on: smartphone, tablet, desktop monitor, or 60″ television.

Have you ever gone through the hassle of having to pinch-and-squeeze on your smartphone screen in order to zoom in to be able to read a paragraph or tap on a link? For me, it’s enough to make me disregard the website and never return.

By making it easy and convenient to browse your website, regardless of device, you are sure to make your users smile as soon as they visit.

So here is my challenge to you. Pull out your phone and go to your website. How does it look? How easy is it to navigate around and click link? Compare it to the way it looks on your laptop or monitor. Are you happy with what you are seeing? If not, it’s time to fix that issue once and for all! Contact me to get a conversation rolling I’d be glad to grab a coffee with you and talk about how we can get your site looking great on any screen and on any device!

Let's get to know each other a bit

14 + 12 =